I trust that our Pageant Associates’ contestants have remained both safe and healthy these last several months and have made the best out of the serious and life-changing pandemic known as COVID-19. This has caused those of us at Pageant Associates to step back and reevaluate our plans moving forward as well.
We determined that it was time to focus on new endeavors and, to that end, we have worked with the Miss Universe Organization to reduce our commitment from producing three Miss USA and Miss Teen USA state preliminaries, which were Indiana, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, to just one, which is West Virginia.
Pennsylvania ladies, I am thrilled to announce that Melissa Pitchford, who is the current State Director for the Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants in Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio through her company, Proctor Productions LLC, is now adding Pennsylvania to her roster. Another key member of the Proctor Productions team is Kim Hayes. You will soon hear from either Kim or Melissa regarding the next Miss Pennsylvania USA and Teen USA events. We have passed along your contact information and your history of participation with us. If you would like to connect sooner with Melissa or Kim, you can email them at info@ProcProd.com. You should also visit the new website at www.misspennsylvaniausa.com.
Indiana ladies, we will have an announcement regarding your new State Director soon. For now, continue to let us know of your interest in competing this year, at https://www.missindianausa.com/apply-today, and we will pass it along to the new State Director.
West Virginia ladies, we will be announcing the proposed date of the West Virginia pageants soon. Continue letting us know of your interest in competing this year at https://www.misswestvirginiausa.com/apply-today, and we will send you the paperwork as soon as it is available!
On a personal note, I have enjoyed producing both the Indiana (since 1997) and Pennsylvania USA and Teen USA pageants (since 2001) and am proud of the 4,584 contestants that have joined us over these many years. I look forward to continuing the Pageant Associates traditions in West Virginia for many years to come!
Sincerely yours,
Randy Sanders
President, Sanders & Associates, Inc.
dba, Pageant Associates
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